Thank You for Choosing Erbelli’s as Your Favorite Pizzeria

At Erbelli’s, we are committed to not only making quality pizza, but providing quality service as well. Over the years, we have been lucky enough to have our customers choose us for a variety of awards. We are proud to announce that we have been chosen as the Celebration! Cinema 2014 Celebrated Service Portage Recipient and Pizza Fest 2014 Best Gourmet Pizza and Best Overall Pizza!
The Celebration! Cinema Celebrated Service award is nominated and voted for by employees at Celebration! Cinema at their various locations throughout the state. The employees give recognition to the businesses in the community that they feel demonstrate quality customer service. At Erbelli’s, we strive to make every guest that walks in feel special. It is a huge honor for us when our customers leave happy and tell two or three people about their experience dining with us. To win the 2014 Celebrated Service Award, is an even bigger honor.
An event that we look forward to participating in each year is Pizza Fest. This year, the fans voted and chose us as the Best Gourmet/ Specialty Pizza, as well as, Best Overall Pizza. Some of our most popular pizzas at Pizza Fest 2014 included the “Sorono”, the “Flip a Dip”, and the “Cannoli Pizza.” Each of these pizzas will be featured as our “Pizza of the Month” in the upcoming months.
Thank you once again for your continued support! We promise to continue to providing “WOW” service and delicious food every time you visit us.